Alkusari Stone

This small stone company had only one printed brochure before I joined. We changed their name, rebranded, and started a 5-year process of curating a comprehensive stone product line, eventually publishing a 150-page product catalog with beautiful supportive photography that elevated their business from simply manufacturing stone to a full design and marketing solution.

Product Catalogs

These are my three favorite printed pieces. I learned a lot about product photography as well as shooting setups and interiors. For the first few catalogs I worked closely with a professional photographer. Then we bought a nice camera and I took on the photography as well.


When you’re an in-house creative, you end up wearing many different hats to solve the current challenge. Before Alkusari Stone needed a comprehensive product catalog, they needed a showroom. I worked with architects, carpenters and contractors to create my showroom design, even down to lighting and custom-designed furniture for the offices.

Here are a few shots of the work in progress.